日本福祉工学会誌 論文 概要

日本福祉工学会誌 Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 10-16 (2015)


山本智規,柴田 論,瀬濤喜信,神代 充

Collision Avoidance of a Mobile Robot with a Human Based on Slowing down and Stopping

Tomonori YAMAMOTO, SHIBATA, Yoshinobu SETO and Mitsuru JINDAI

An algorithm for a mobile robot that avoids collision with humans by slowing down and stopping is constructed in this research. First, experiments of collision avoidance of a human with another human while walking in an orthogonal intersection are conducted, and the characteristic of avoidance behavior of the human is analyzed. We propose a collision avoidance motion of the mobile robot based on the results. Experiments in which a mobile robot avoids collision with a human and the human evaluates the generated motion of the robot using psychological evaluation are conducted. The effectiveness of the proposed method is clarified from psychological aspects.

Key words: Collision Avoidance with Humans, Mobile Robot, Slowing Down and Stopping, Psychological Evaluation