日本福祉工学会誌 論文 概要

日本福祉工学会誌 Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 29-33 (2008)


松沼 正平,宮尾  克,梅崎 太造,藤掛 和広,大森 正子,渡辺 智之,長谷川  聡

Research of the Usability of Input Method "T9" for Mobile Phone Short Messages

Shohei MATSUNUMA, Masaru MIYAO, Taizo UMEZAKI, Kazuhiro FUJIKAKE, Masako OMORI, Tomoyuki WATANABE and Satoshi HASEGAWA

Mobile phone has been penetrated widely beyond generations and now that it is becoming a must also for middle-aged and senior people. It is not only used as an important communication tool for a voice call but also for Short Message Service (e-mail). As a result, there emerged demands for easy-to-read display and simpler key entry. J-PHONE (Existing Softbank Mobile) developed "Simple Phone" targeting the middle-aged and senior generation with "T9" entry system, which is the most widely spread system overseas. We conducted a comparative experiment to verify its operability against the normal entry system.

Key words: Predictive Translation Method, Kana Kanji Translation Method, T9, Multi Tap